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Friday, October 15, 2010

Things To Consider Before Adopting a Rabbit

With all those big ears, wiggly nose, and a tail that reminds of a cotton candy - who can ever resist the charm of cute rabbits on their rabbit hutches, especially if your kids are tugging you to get one?
Buying a pet without any knowledge about them will eventually get you into trouble. You should first know the basic knowledge on what it takes to care for your adopted family member, otherwise inexperienced pet ownership could be very harsh for you and your pet.
They may be small in size, but rabbits can leave a massive impact on a person's life. Here are just some of the few questions that one must consider before adopting their new household pet.
Is space enough in your home?
Is your lawn big enough? Can you provide rabbit hutch and run? Space is one of the important factors when taking care of a rabbit. Providing enough space for your pet can give them comfort and they will also feel loved and properly taken cared of.
Do you have kids at home?
Mixing rabbits and young children is also not a very good idea. Rabbits need safe, gentle handling and a serene environment. Being a prey animal, rabbits are sensitive to and highly stressed by loud noises and the fast-paced movements that are usually identified to young children. You may need to wait for your kids to grow older to develop sense of responsibility to take care of rabbits as pets.
Kids enthusiastic approach towards their new pet is just short-lived. Sooner or later, their attention will be diverted to other activities and past times. Pets are usually and ultimately the responsibility of the grown-ups at home and not the children. Until you, as a grown-up, is ready to tackle the responsibility of having a rabbit at home, don't let your kids' pleas soften you. It's you who will take care of the pets sooner or later.
The Budget
Acquiring a rabbit may be cheap, but the rabbits' care expenses can quickly ad-up. In addition to veterinary costs (includes sterilization and emergencies), there are some things that you should first need to consider or purchase:
* Large cages or rabbit hutches
* Water tray
* Litterboxes
* Chew Toys
* Hay
* Veggies
* Timothy Hay Pellets
* Fruits or other treats
Enough Time
Rabbits are termed as crepuscular, which literally means that they sleep during the day and night and are only active during dusk and dawn. Rabbits need time and special attention. they require an hour of play and exercise everyday.
In order to keep your rabbits strong and healthy, provide them with fresh vegetables everyday.
Your rabbits' cages or rabbit hutches must be tidied up regularly and a weekly thorough cleaning must be done. If you travel a lot and leave your home all the time, a rabbit is not an ideal pet for you.
Are you now ready to adopt one?
A rabbit's life span can last up to 10 years, so it means that a rabbit can stay with you and your family as much as a dog would do.

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