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Monday, October 11, 2010

Health Benefits of Having a Exotic Fish

The purchase of a tropical fish and the maintenance of its environment is a simple and recognized as being effective in breaking the monotony of solitary life. According to statistics, more and more people live alone. To put life in their homes they fill them with plants, but it is often not enough to have a sense of companionship. Many will want a pet, but their busy schedules, their allergies or their standards of cleanliness will prevent them from adopting a cat or a dog.
The purchase of a tropical fish is a solution increasingly being offered by various psychologists, counselors and coaches influenced by the art of Feng Shui. Indeed, in addition to recognizing the relaxing properties of an aquarium in the house and the movements of fish that inhabit it, they argue that it is beneficial for people living alone to take care of the fishes habitat. Moreover, since these professionals are usually very involved in their careers, they are proposed to have an activity that is not stressful and reinforces in all of their skills and sensitivity.
Taking care of an aquarium is an art that requires a lot of attention, sensitivity and patience. Everything is important, the choice of fish, the diversity of their color, their rarity and compatibility, the choice of plants, temperature and pH of the water, objects of maintenance, etc.. In short, the aquarium draws upon the talents and intelligence of those who volunteer. This discipline can lead an individual to have more confidence in his abilities and he can exercise control over life, about his life.
The purchase of a tropical fish is not confined only to the acquisition of it but to create a whole environment. This responsibility is often a source of passion as it gives access to the diversity of the aquatic world. The novice in the hobby will opt for a simple setup. He will choose various ornamental fishes that can coexist and various aquatic plants to beautify the decor of the aquarium.
Over time the novice will want a more complex setup with more tropical fishes and plants, his study of the aquarium will then have to be perfected. The choice of fish, their compatibility, the plants and sea anemones are more complex and he must somehow become a specialist to take care of the world he creates. His tank will increasingly become a source of pride and accomplishment. It boasts of compliments do on its implementation.

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