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Friday, October 15, 2010

Having a Pet - Dare You Clean the Poop?

If you are an animal lover, nothing may give you more pleasure than having a furry friend at home. While most of us know about the joy of owning a pet, not many have considered the responsibilities or hard work involved until it is too late. The article presents one situation that most pet owners have to deal with.
If you are a potential new pet owner, imagine this scenario. You bring your newly acquired puppy to the park for a walk. Halfway through, something stinks and you realised that he has pooped all over the floor! What do you do now?
To make matters worse, what if he had pooped all over your house carpet and stained them badly? Someone your furry friend doesn't seem so lovable anymore.
If you find this scenario disgusting, perhaps you should rethink the idea of getting a pet. After all, you'll be cleaning up after him for years. Owning a pet is a long term responsibility and you should not be jumping into it without careful consideration. The last thing anybody wants is the poor animal being given up to a shelter or let loose to fend for itself in the streets.
The first thing you have to do is to bring a plastic bag whenever you're bringing your pet out for a stroll. In the event that he poops, you can use the bag as a glove to scoop up the poop for proper disposal later. Remember that no matter how disgusting it is, it is extremely irresponsible to not clean up your pet's waste. In fact, it might be a crime if you do not do anything in some states!
Once you have the chance, you should also send your pet to be trained to poop at home before they go outside for a walk.
If cleaning poop scares you but you still insist on getting a pet, perhaps you might like to consider getting fishes instead. While fishes pose different challenges that other pets such as cats and dogs, poop cleaning is definitely easier. For sure, it's a lot less smelly and you don't have the yucky feeling in your hands as you scoop them up.
I hope this article doesn't scare you from owning a pet such as a cat or dog. While having a new friend at home can be an extremely rewarding experience, we have to be realistic and consider and downside as well. Good luck and take care!

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